Bucket List

[ ] 1. Visit Vietnam
[ ] 2. Run a marathon
[ ] 3. Watch all of the classic movie series
__ a. Star Wars
__ b. Indiana Jones
[ ] 4. Go backpacking
[ ] 5. Watch a live show
[ ] 6. Crowd surf
[ ] 7. Learn how to swing dance
[ ] 8. Go river rafting
[ ] 9. Run the Great Wall of China
[ ] 10.Experience the Aurora Borealis
[ ] 11. Design my own house
[ ] 12. Make all of my ceramics
[ ] 13. Shoot a gun
[ ] 14. Ride a motorcycle
[ ] 15. Skydive
[ ] 16. Paint well
[ ] 17. Sew a dress
[ ] 18. Host a tea party
[ ] 19. Be a milf
[ ] 20. Eurotrip
[ ] 21. Have a photoshoot
[ ] 22. Buy a fancy camera
[ ] 23. Own my own recipe book
[ ] 24. Donate to a charity annually
[ ] 25. Go on a guilt-free shopping spree
[ ] 26. Volunteer at a medical clinic
[ ] 27. Fly a plane
[ ] 28. Be in a protest
[ ] 29. Learn how to invest
[ ] 30. Grow a garden
[ ] 31. Go wine tasting
[ ] 32. Stand in 4 states
[x] 33. Snowboard
[ ] 34. Visit Hogwarts (Harry Potter Theme Park)
[ ] 35. Go on an African Safari
[ ] 36. Attend the New Years countdown with Dick Clark
[ ] 37. Visit New Orleans for Mardi Gras
[ ] 38. Get hypnotized
[ ] 39. Find Paradise
[ ] 40. Go on an exclusive trip with my love
[ ] 41. Own a successful business
[ ] 42. Watching the sunrise with my love
[ ] 43. Make a quilt
[ ] 44. Own vacation houses with my friends
[ ] 45. Ikea date
[ ] 46. Catch fireflies
[ ] 47. Take polaroid pictures
[ ] 48. Wear a tiara on my birthday
[ ] 49. Beer fest
[ ] 50. Cherry picking